Saturday, April 2, 2011

Things You May Not Know About Vintage Shoes

Things You May Not Know About Vintage Shoes
Why wear shoes with more bones than any other body part of the other, the foot has been developed to help man field at the beginning of the cab and across different vertical

Why shoes?
Bones than any other single part of the body, the foot has evolved to help primitive man in an upright position and to navigate varied terrain. Shoes were originally developed to protect the feet of difficult terrain and cold weather could be like a man went to Africa.

Who first used the shoes?
We do not? T really do not know who first used the Nine West flats or what their use was, but the shoes first year that we have evidence thought to have been wearing the shoes the Indians about 7.000 to 8.000 years ago.

Was found in the U.S. in Oregon in 1938 and were made of leather. It is believed that the shoes were worn long before the leather is the best test of the rare cases in the archaeological discoveries of thousands of years.

It is also very likely that men would have had to cross the Bering Strait (the sea ice 53 km long from north land bridge between Siberia, Russia and Alaska, USA) under conditions of ice before they even came to America? They would therefore need shoes!

They have all the shoes?
Only relatively recently, with the advent of mass production of Nine West boots such as sandals and flip flops cheap, most people in the world can afford. It is often common for many people in poor areas (often in Africa and India) do not wear shoes at all.

What are shoes?
Conventionally, the shoes were leather, cotton, wood and canvas, but are now often made of rubber, plastics and other oil-based artificial.

Why are there different units of shoes?
There are many shoes in standard sizes from around the world, the systems are different from United Kingdom, United States (three different systems in use), Australia, Continental Europe and Asia. In some areas, and in width and in other regions, including parameters for different types of Nine West flats!

They? Mondo point? is the standard international shoe size, which itself is not commonly used in winter sports specialty footwear such as ski boots and skates, and also used by military organizations like NATO.

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