Thursday, March 10, 2011

Handmade Jewelry

There are a variety of quality materials available to make Juicy Necklaces. Most of these

natural materials derived from tropical plants. These materials include ivory palm, bamboo, cane arrow, horn, coffee and leather. Tagua is a seed of a palm

tree grown in Colombia and Ecuador. Bamboo is a tropical plant similar to bamboo which is native to South America. cane arrow made from Cana (cane sugar).

Horn is just a horn, like the horns of a bull. The coffee is dried beans. And the leather is well known by everyone. Leather Leather is called in Spanish.

In Ecuador, there is a community located in the Andes, 10,000 altitude. This community is a small town called Otavalo. Almost the entire population consists

of a group of Indians called Otalavenos. They are famous for their handmade products. They produce some of the most beautiful Juicy Rings and unique in the world and these products are sold at very reasonable prices.

One type of jewelry made of tagua. Tagua used to create bracelets, necklaces, earrings. The seed is used to Tagua is the size of a golf ball. It is very hard

and makes beautiful jewelry. The tagua bracelets and necklaces occasionally incorporate other natural materials. Bracelets seem to be the jewel of choice to

be made of tagua. A tagua hand strap is usually very colorful and different.

Guadua is used to make jewelry, which is higher. Harness making bracelets, necklaces and Juicy. Guadua is used

in the same way in all three categories, because it is more form of material substance. In general, jewelry made of this material is hand painted. Guadua is

an excellent choice for earrings and necklaces.

cane arrow is used mainly to share bracelets and rings. These products are generally woven cane fiber arrow.

Cuerno horns, or using only a few mainly used to make earrings. These earrings are some of the most unique pieces of art available in handmade jewelry, and

can be purchased for less than $ 20 per couple. This is a bargain for such an original. Are very low even in Ecuador, where they are made.

Coffee is used in conjunction with other materials to make all sorts of jewelry. Most of this type of Crystal Neckelace is made in Colombia and Ecuador.

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